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12 Leaders Who Did It Right

One of corporate America’s greatest foes shows how 12 CEOs he has known uniquely rejected narrow yardsticks of shareholder value by leading companies to larger models of prosperity and justice.

Over the course of 7 decades Ralph Nader has been Corporate America’s fiercest critic. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell singled out Nader in his infamous memo as the “single most effective antagonist of American business… [the] target of his hatred… is corporate power.”

Price: $32.50

It is remarkable that the newspaper writers you see first are the ones that receive the least attention and recognition. They are the anonymous concise and intense Headline Writers – who have to somehow sum up the main thrust or point of a report, story or editorial to catch your attention in the split second you accord them.

You can also download the PDF version for free.

Price: $15.00

The Case for a Democratically Funded and Locally Rooted News Media in an Era of Newsroom Closures

You can also download the PDF version for free.

Price: $15.00

The first amendment to our Constitution declares that Congress cannot abridge the right of the people “. . . to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Unfortunately, this vital tool of our democracy is easily circumvented by members of Congress and executive agencies by simply not responding whatsoever to “petitions” by the citizenry. This governmental undermining of our constitutional right is producing invincibly incommunicado government officials.

You can also download the PDF version for free.

Price: $12.00

4.2 million U.S. Lives Spared Since 1966 55TH ANNIVERSARY OF UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED
Price: $10.00

The Big Book of Weekly Columns The column is the most natural literary form for a citizen’s advocate, and Ralph Nader may be its most robust and forceful practitioner. Told You So: The Big Book of Weekly Columns (Seven Stories Press, May 2013) presents a panoramic portrait of the problems confronting our society and provides examples of the many actions an organized citizenry could and should take to create a more just and environmentally sustainable world.Purchase a signed copy of Told You So for $50.00 and help support the Center for Study of Responsive Law.
Price: $50.00

Signed Copy

America is in crisis. After enduring two decade-long wars and a devastating financial meltdown, We the People have been abandoned by the leaders we elected to serve our interests. Now, in response to our desperate times, pioneering reformer Ralph Nader offers a new program of seventeen ambitious but common-sense solutions to our chronic economic and social problems.

Price: $30.00

As Occupy Wall Street protests spread across the country and the world, Ralph Nader’s Getting Steamed to Overcome Corporatism: Build It Together To Win shows why Americans have steam coming out their ears.

Price: $14.95