You can select any box or boxes for purchase — $100 per box (24 books per box (the price includes shipping costs). Twenty-seven titles follow:
Cruel and Unusual by Mark Crispin Miller (2004) HC (Searing critique of Bush/Cheney’s New World Order)
Command Performance by Jane Alexander (2000) PB (An Actress in the Theater of Washington Politics)
The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis and Bill Allison (2002) HC (A galvanizing journey about tax avoidance and evasion by the Super Rich and What You Can Do About It)
Democracy at Risk by Jeff Gates (2001) HC (Rescuing Main Street from Wall Street)
The Good Years by Walter Lord (1960) PB (The classic rendition of America 1900 to 1914)
Huey Long by Harry T. Williams (1981) PB (The classic biography of the “Kingfish” and the tumultuous politics of the Twenties and Thirties from Louisiana to FDR’s Washington, D.C.)
Natural History of the Rich by Richard Conniff (2003) HC (Just what you can expect from the Upper Crust)
Women Pay More by Frances Cerra and Marcia Carroll (1993) PB (And How to Put A Stop to It—eye-opening for the men, but not the women)
Freedom for the Thought That We Hate by Anthony Lewis (2008) HC (A popular biography of the First Amendment and the stories and lawsuits that give it judicial spine)
Change for America ed. By Mark Green (2009) PB (Liberal policies—the whole nine yards)
We Who Dared to Say No to War by Murray Polner (2008) PB
Crimes of War by Richard Falk (2006) PB
Too Close to Call by Jeffrey Toobin. (2002) HC (The Thirty-Six-Day Battle to Decide the 2000 Election)
Uncovering Clinton by Michael Isikoff (2000) PB (A Reporter’s Story of uncovering the Lewinsky Scandal)
I Hate George W. Bush Reader by Clint Willis, ed. (2004) PB(part of the infelicitously titled “I Hate… series)(Leading progressives Molly Ivins, William Greider…let loose on “Shrub”)
The Triumph of Meanness by Nicolaus Mills (1997) HC (America’s War Against Its Better Self–returning with a vengeance in 2011.)
Against the Beast by John Nichols, ed. (2004) PB (A Documentary History of American Opposition to Empire)
American Rebels by Jack Newfield, ed. (2004) PB
Freedom’s Power by Paul Starr (2007) HC (The True Historic Force of Liberalism)
Grassroots Gardening by Donna Schaper (2007) PB (Gardens for sustaining activism)
Kidding Around Boston by Helen Byers (2000) PB (What to Do, Where to Go, and How to Have Fun in Boston)
Selling Women Short by Liza Featherstone (2005) PB (The Landmark Battle for Workers’ Rights at Wal-Mart)
The Cigarette Century by Allan M. Brandt (2009) HC (The Rise, Fall and Deadly Persistence of the Product That Defined America)
The Jonathan Schell Reader by Jonathan Schell (2004) PB (On the United States at War and the Fate of the Earth)
The Ten Minute Activist by Mission Collective (2006) PB (Easy Ways to Take Back the Planet)
University Inc. by Jennifer Washburn (2006) HC (The corporate corruption of Higher Education)
Vermont Hiking by Michael Lanza (2005) PB (Day Hikes, Kid-Friendly Trails and Backpacking Treks)