Ralph Nader and Richard L. Newman of the American Museum of Tort Law call on President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Re-election Campaign to cancel or postpone the rally scheduled for the BOK Center in Tulsa on June 20th. The text of the letter is attached.
For inquiries, contact Richard L. Newman,
June 18, 2020
President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Black Lives Matter Blvd.
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Trump:
More than 120,000 American citizens have died in in the last three months as a result of the Covid-19 virus. The pandemic is still prevalent, and the number of new cases is rising in states that have opened prematurely, or without enforcing social distancing, and requiring the use of masks.
In the face of this, and despite the best medical advice and widespread non-partisan condemnation, you, Donald J. Trump are planning a campaign rally in a closed arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 20th, and according to various news sources, will not require attendees to wear masks when inside the venue. To make matters worse, your campaign is also requiring attendees to sign waivers giving up their right to sue the campaign or the venue if they contract the virus while there.
On Tuesday, an Oklahoma court denied an application to enforce the public health guidelines which might serve to minimize the risks of infection and spread of the disease.
Covid-19 is a pandemic. It is real, and can be deadly. President Trump, you and your campaign are being reckless, gambling with people’s lives and health for this campaign event. To be clear, your campaign is knowingly putting attendees at risk of illness or death. The campaign is creating a potentially deadly public nuisance, which may have multiplier effects far beyond those who attend, if the attendees infect others after they return home.
The fact that your campaign is requiring attendees to waive their legal rights demonstrates that you are well aware of this reckless, dangerous, tortious conduct, and the potentially serious consequences.
We call upon you President Trump, and the Trump campaign to cancel the mass indoor rally. And we urge those who attend not to sign waivers, forfeiting their rights to seek compensation in the event that they contract the virus.
Ralph Nader
Richard L. Newman, Esq.
Executive Director